Kamis, 20 Februari 2014


Jamaah Islamiyah Paramilitary Training


Terrorism sounded so thrilling and scary as the action of post are always discussed in all mass media. The impact besides fear itself is a loss of life and property that is priceless.The root of the problem of terrorism is important to uncover for proper prevention and countermeasures against terrorism. Understanding of terrorism requires a long process, as also the process of how the terrorism itself. To understand where the required search of origins and causes the formation of terrorism. There are many forms of terrorism, but its focuses on how terrorist networks Solo, Indonesia. Solo have been terrorist network is the largest network in Indonesia, which has connectivity in various countries and nearly all acts of terrorism in Indonesia is connected to this network. 
To understand how the process of formation and what the root of the problem on the Solo terrorist networks, it is also necessary to know the characteristics of the network. Characteristics of terrorist groups will influence the actions to be performed and the determination of the target. Although centered in Solo, but terrorism can not be restricted geographically. The actions can be planned and carried out done outside of Solo. Solo used as a study area because the city is much linked to terrorism and even often referred to as a terrorist.


Solo terrorist network formed originated from an association with the West Java Darul Islam that some of its members escape to Solo. The escapees then interact with the character of Solo Darul Islam, Abdullah Sungkar and Abu Bakar Ba’ashir and the founder and leader of Al Mukmin boarding school, Ngruki. Al Mukmin used as cover as a hiding place and consolidation Darul Islam movement. Strong pressure from the New Order government forced the Darul Islam movement with usroh change strategy. 

Some leaders and cadres in Solo, including Abdullah Sungkar and Abu Bakar Ba’ashir did escape to Malaysia. In Malaysia these two men managed to garner support for sending members of the Darul Islam paramilitary training in Afghanistan. Most of them are from members of the group usroh. Both also managed to establish a boarding school as a means of distributing Lukmanul Hakim ideology. Disputes in the body of the Darul Islam to breakdown. Sungkar and Ba'asyir then out of the Darul Islam and founded the Jemaah Islamiyah ( JI ) as a forum for the graduate training of Afghanistan.
The political changes in the country with the fall of the New Order Era Reformation and changed into one of the factors that encourage the formation of networks of Solo. During the Reformation Era usroh groups previously prone to be brave appear on the surface, with transformed into a radical Islamic groups in various regions. In Solo is the most widely grown radical Islamic groups. 
Political change in Malaysia and then so hard to crush radical Islamic movement including close Lukmanul Hakim boarding school , as well as factors affecting Abdullah Sungkar and Abu Bakar Ba’ashir decided to return to Indonesia (Solo). The establishment of the Islamic Movement Jamaa'ah also largely go into Indonesia melt in radical Islamic groups.
But after the death of Abdullah Sungkar and amir of JI position held by Abu Bakar Ba’ashir, the JI members assess Ba’ashir 's leadership is too weak. Moreover, Ba’ashir then became distracted because amir Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI) and Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT). JI members were not satisfied with the leadership of Ba’ashir then perform its own movement outside the full control of JI. Formed terrorist groups which are splinter of JI, undergo a separate movement spawned acts of terrorism in the country and is also involved in the conflict in Ambon, North Maluku and Poso.

In Solo terrorist network continues to grow, though the old network groups already uncovered a lot and rolled Detachment 88. The new group appears again. The new group is a group of them Farhan (Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, Al Indonesiy), Thoriq group (Al Qaeda Indonesia) and the Abu Hanifa (Halaqah Sunni for Indonesian Society). Although these new groups are still linked the old network. Members of the old network has continued to seek to regeneration and guidance through the recruitment of new members, most of whom came from members of radical Islamic groups and alumni of Al Mukmin boarding school, Ngruki in Solo.


The causes of terrorism are divided into the causes of network Solo Primary, secondary and tertiary. The primary cause of the problem is the main cause of social inequalities both global and national politics. The main problem is the global hegemony of the West and oppressed Muslim countries in the Middle East. While national issues related to the application of Islamic law conflict, religious conflict and contention failed state with an indication of widespread corruption, chaotic law enforcement and management of natural resources so that many foreign-controlled failed welfare of the people. 

For a terrorist group action is a form of resistance and protest to these problems. As terrorism as a form of asymmetric warfare is warfare power unbalanced. Small force against a large force, then the terrorists using secondary sphere as support force. Secondary scope is an emotional relationship religious (Islamic) raised. Incidentally scope of terrorist religion and the problems encountered are related to Islam. Therefore, terrorists use religion to gain sympathetic and mobilizing movements. Justification and the language that is used as if it was based on the verses of the Qur'an and Hadith.

Finally, the cause of the tertiary is not a direct cause, but it can amplify environmental causes such as primary and secondary; culture, poverty, desire for revenge, the influence of the media, religious education, the influence of books and movies.


Network characteristics Solo new terrorist groups are relatively the same as the old group, which has a purpose that is politically motivated ; show the existence, fighting for Islam ideology, as well as resistance to power and authority. In addition to the tools and methods used are very similar. The difference is that the new group is still premature, in the sense of not having control of mature techniques and strategies such as the old group. The new group just getting paramilitary training in brief and limited in the local practice area of their seniors. Unlike the old networking group who received direct training in Afghanistan and the Philippines with the facilities, instructors and long time.

Average new group is a small group with members that bit. Organizational form itself is not raw (Organization Without Form) and some even do not have leadership. They are only united by a common purpose and conviction. Members of the terrorist group in Solo comes from radical Islamic groups locally or often called Laskar Jihad group. In addition, based Al Mukmin Boarding School , Ngruki. 

Linkage Al Mukmin is the number of members, even leaders of the group that later became the Army terrorist group are alumni students. Effect of Al Mukmin in the surrounding area is evidenced by village mosques mastered by the group Laskar and then used as the headquarters activities. The spread of radical Islamic ideology is done by way of hard study groups are often filled by a cleric Al Mukmin. In addition the students at Al Mukmin Boarding School also taught about the Islamic teachings regarding the practice of jihad particularly hard.

The new group is more police as a target makes its actions. The shift from the previous target more putting foreign objects is due to the desire for revenge against the police who often use violence against his friends. In addition it is also regarded as a barrier to police his actions. 

Recruitment of new members by the group's terrorist network directed at Solo many young children. Recruitment is done through; boarding school education, lectures, study groups, school organizations, youth organizations, student organizations, friendship and brotherly relations. Solo group member's terrorist network that consists of many young children. To found funding sources to perform an action, terrorist networks Solo group has developed a new way is by doing Hacking cybercrime. This crime has secured billions of dollars and used to finance bombings and paramilitary training. But it is also still perform conventional ways; fa'i or robbery, foreign donors, donation and charity.

Weapons used were obtained from the results of contraband, spoils and assemble themselves. The new group has also developed weapons that are used for the action. Among them using magic com bomb, 3 kg gas cylinder bombs, bombs with broken pieces of metal and develop toxic chemicals. Ability acquired by training bomb by friends or seniors and learn to use manual handwritten hereditary.

( Fajar Purwawidada, MH., M.Sc. )

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