Jumat, 13 Desember 2013



The existence of gaps or injustice of what is happening in the Middle East . That was a crime of violence in Afaganistan, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Turkey etc. Conducted by the West, namely America, Israel and its allies have made sense of solidarity and advocacy movement to take action to fellow Muslim brothers and holy land in the form of resistance and retaliation against America and its allies. The purpose of this struggle clearly repeatedly mentioned in the records of Imam Samudra and Abu Bakar Ba'asir. Similarly, another reason bombers ; keduatan Australian bomb, bomb the Marriott etc., And the latest plot to blow up the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta and the U.S. Consulate General in Surabaya by Hasmi group.

Imam Samudra cs. feel very sad, devastated and moved to do an effort to help and save his brother from the land of the Middle East, so decided to go to Afghanistan for paramilitary training follow Muaskar Caliphate made ​​by Al-Qaeda and then get involved in the fight against the forces Afaganistan colonialism and Western hegemony . Not only stops in Afghanistan alone but solidarity also to oppression directed against the defense of Muslim groups in the Philippines, Ambon and Poso. Imam Samudra said clearly that the struggle ( Jihad ) will not stop if America cs . still take action against the anti - humanity of Muslims in the Middle East and other places . Attacks aimed at American targets, or something that represents America. So as happened in Indonesia bombings exploded in places inhabited foreigners like Bali Bombing I and II, or presentation where foreign ( American cs. ) Such as embassies, foreign hotels, consulates etc. This action extends the target then the parties, institutions or what is considered to support American policy cs.

Including in Indonesia, with the pro- Western government policy yan so that elements of the government are also being targeted as the police and the president. It is understood in accordance with the theory of the cause of terrorism or violence is the sense of injustice and oppression. These circumstances do not respond if it will give birth to what is called " negative frustrated " that the perpetrators are frustrated to the circumstances and efforts that do not respond or change the situation so that timbulah ways that terrorism is the only way that can be done to fight injustice. With the American response cs. including Indonesia, which responds to the terrorist violence is hard to be a military action, assault, arrest and torture in conducting interrogations of terrorism prisoners, who then actually counter terrorism action has resulted in human rights violations asisai also the reply of the perpetrators of terrorist acts will increase aggressively.

In accordance with the theory of violence and violent crime that will lead to new violence and even greater crimes or crimes that would result in the new crackdown cs America. in suppressing and make war resulted in more reignite the spirit of terrorism as an act of retaliation ( revenge ). Including terrorism operations at the WTC after the tragedy that changed the face of war against teroisme policy conducted by the American cs. the influence ( force ) Other countries to follow the policy as President Bush pronounced " Join our fight against terrorism or you're part of it ".

The war against terrorism is conducted Americans finally dragged Indonesia also to engage in counter-terrorism war appropriate ways cs America. This is a point that actually makes angry and think Indonesia is a part of or an extension of the U.S. in counter-terrorism. By doing repressive measures against the Muslims who are considered as the actors involved or terrorism, even less so many were killed in the ambush and the presence of false arrest. The government's effort is considered the perpetrator of terrorism as unjust violence, so that the government and its elements will get a stiff resistance in the form of tougher measures as well as akasi reply. So here is born the term " terrorist terrorist shouting ". It was referred to as the primary cause ( main ) . Because the formulation of the theory of cause and effect no single cause ( social ), then there must be other causes of the call as a secondary cause.

The situation is aggravated by the condition of Indonesia is experiencing shock and social inequality as a result of the failure of the State to manage the government, which is almost referred to as State failure, with an indication of the amount of poverty, unemployment, which fell on the management of natural resources and foreign private sector, capitalism, widespread corruption, law enforcement etc. shambles. This provoked dissatisfaction added to the helplessness and frustration of the perpetrators of terrorism struggle so convincingly step into not only anti-human problems in the middle east, but also anti- government originally considered as accomplices cs America. Now with regard to the number of failed state lawlessness, crime actually committed by officials and government elites are very embarrassing result in an assessment of the government to be very bad with full reign of sin, in Islam can be called thogout (anti- Islam, demons, pagan).

This situation would then resource terrorists to obtain alternative solutions Indonesian how to get out of the crisis. Once in a long time and UUD45 perceived ideology Pancasila does not provide a benefit to the prosperity of its people, then there is the thought alterrnatif. That is a state -run Islamic law. Simple thoughts that the guidelines state ideology and man-made law can not bring prosperity, since the possibility of a lot of harm, accord with human nature that can not be separated from either. So if the above guidelines may be replaced with Islamic law which is the guidance of Allah and the prophet coming of the expected believed would not hurt. From this came about Islamic Sharia State of the perpetrators of terrorism. As expressed by Imam Samudra and Abu Bakar Ba'asir that Islamic law is the solution of the Indonesian nation out of the crisis at hand.

(Fajar Purwawidada, MH., M.Sc.)

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